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Tesc Press

Vascular Plants Of The South Sound Prairies

Bowcutt, Frederica
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Vascular Plants Of The South Sound Prairies

Product Description

Evergreen Natural History Guides This field guide for the vascular plants of the south Puget Sound prairie-oak ecosystems is the product of over a decade of work completed by over forty students from The Evergreen State College working collaboratively to collect herbarium specimens, illustrate and describe plants, and write about the natural and cultural history of these remarkable ecosystems. Multiple local professional scientists with expertise in floristics and restoration ecology have also contributed to the effort. This community-generated guide includes illustrations and descriptions of nearly 150 vascular plants found in the glacial outwash prairies and associated oak woodlands from Tacoma to Rochester, Washington. It allows amateurs and professional botanists alike to easily identify many of the plant species in these unique ecosystems. In an appendix, an extensive list is provided of the prairie and oak woodland plant specimens that are maintained at the Evergreen Herbarium. Images of these specimens are available online at We hope the guide will further the important ecological restoration work already being done in our region and also facilitate greater collaboration in the future with the Tribes in the region who have a long history of tending these cultural landscapes.